February 5, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Process Diagram-Cocoa Beans and Chocolate

Vocabulary Answers

illustrated above describe in the picture

details shows

harvested picked

in order to so that

produce make

liquid chocolate chococalte in liquid form

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

combination both together

man-made done by people

natural process done by nature

involves has to do with

main stages big steps

beginning with starting with

collection putting together

initial treatment first state of dealing with them

followed by after that

final processing last stage

factory place to make the chocolate, plant

cacao tree where chocolate pods are grown

pods containers

ripe ready

harvest picked

turn become

split open cut open

fermented left to age

leaves from a tree

left in the sun to dry allowed to become dry in the heat

subsequently after that

placed put in

large sacks big bags

sent given to

further preparations additional steps

roasted cooked in an oven

prior to before

crushed grinded

grinder crusher

outer shell part around the bean

separated out kept apart

pressing pushing together