October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Process chart-Recycled Bottles into Clothes

Vocabulary Answers

Try practicing with the vocabulary below by writing an antonym/opposite word on a piece of paper (or just thinking of one):

delineates describes

by which through which

reused used again

manufacturing production

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

main stages largest steps

entirely completely

man-made process all done by people, not natural

involving dealing with

collection gathering together

sorting organizing

followed by after that

processing making/forming

finally lastly

actual production real making

in the first step firstly

varying different

transported sent

then next

placed put

cut sliced

pieces smaller parts

dry not wet anymore

transformative stage that changes it the most

begin with start with

boiling cooking in water

precedes comes before

straining water drained out

resulting byproduct what is made from that

yarn like string

ready prepared

weaved put together

fabric material

lastly finally

finished rolls of material final pieces of fabric

fabrication production

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