February 8, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Process Chart-Olive Oil

Vocabulary Answers

Try practicing with the vocabulary below by writing an antonym/opposite word on a piece of paper (or just thinking of one):

delineates shows

process by which way in which

olive oil used for cooking and salads

production making of something

divided into separated into

main groups big areas

beginning with starting with

initial harvesting first picking

treatment how something is processed

followed by after that

creation making of something

lastly storage for future use finally kept somewhere to use later

harvested picked

placed in put in

collection vat place to store things

de-leafed leaves taken off

olive mill place to grind olives

crush smushed

olive paste a gel kind of substance made from olives

put through a placed in

set to greater than made more than

centrifugal press place to push together

separated cut away from

waste water water byproduct

discharged sent out

decanted poured out

filters out separated from

solids not liquids

Regardless of no matter

products what is made

reserved stored

storage tank place to keep something

finish ends

steps detailed stages showed

diagram picture