March 11, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Process chart-Cement and Concrete Production

Vocabulary Answers

Try to write down or think of an antonym/opposite word for further practice:

details shows

steps stages

cement a material for construction

ingredient part of

concrete manufacturing the making of concrete

overall in general

requires needs

initial first

mixing combining

chemical transformation changing to a new substance

raw materials basic substances

followed by after that

bagging put into bags

before preceding

combined put together

form make

initially at first

crushed together broken apart and combined

fine powder light dust

placed put into

cylindrical mixer device for mixing shaped like a cylinder

mixture combination

connected joined

rotating heater device for heating that turns

ground crushed

second time another time

sealed locked into

cement building material

in order to so that

next then

concrete mixer

proportions percentages

stones little rocks