March 14, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Pie chart-Bookseller Pie Charts

Vocabulary Answers

Try to write down or think of an antonym/opposite word for further practice:

detail show

sales how much was sold

bookseller person who sells books

according to genre by type

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

adult fiction stories and novels

by far a lot more than

most popular much more common

at the expense of to the detriment of

declined in decreased

popularity prevalence

others other types of books and genres

biography books about a person

travel going to other places

interest in caring about

children’s fiction kid’s books

particular especially

relatively equal proportions kind of the same

leading at highest at

followed by after that

lowest the least

risen has grown

grew rose

respectively for each

in the final year surveyed the last year detailed

surged grew a lot

ticked up slightly increased a little

compensated for made up the difference

dramatic drops huge decreases

remaining left over

finishing at ending at