October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Map West Park Secondary School

Vocabulary Answers

Try to write down or think of an antonym/opposite word for further practice:

describes changes shows alterations

over a period from … to … including

overall in general

contained fewer buildings didn’t have as many facilities

located nearer residential closer to homes

agricultural land farms

several facilities different buildings

added put there as well

notable addition significant extra

large car park big place for parking cars

to the left of on the left side of

just above slightly over

section area

attached to connected to

significant alterations big changes

related to concerning

former before

replaced takes the place of

removed in favor of taken away so that

remained unchanged no changes

reduced in size smaller now

in order to so that

make room for to allow for

by this time at this period

expansion getting bigger

overtaking taking the place of

previously occupied where something was before

entirely completely

structures buildings

unaltered no changes made
