October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Map West Park Secondary School

Sample Answer

The map describes changes to West Park Secondary School over a period from 1950 to 2010. Overall, West Park Secondary School contained fewer buildings in 1950 and was located nearer residential and agricultural land. By 2010, several facilities had been added for students and there was the notable addition of a large car park.

In 1950, 3 rows of houses were located to the left of the school, just above a large section of farmland and a playground attached to the school. By 1980, there were significant alterations related to housing. The former houses were replaced by a car park and science block and the farmland was removed in favor of a sports field. The playground remained unchanged.

By 2010, the playground had been reduced in size in order to make room for a small sports field. The most significant change by this time was the expansion of the car park overtaking the area previously occupied entirely by the sports field. Other structures were unaltered from 1980.