February 5, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Map of the Town of Lynnfield

Vocabulary Answers

What do the words in bold below mean? Take some notes on a piece of paper to aid your memory:

detail show

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

residential houses, apartments

commercial businesses

accessible can be travelled to easily

expense interest

natural land nature

agriculture farming

smaller shops local businesses

northwest top left

northeast top right

several lots of

surrounded by around

untouched land nature with no developments

declined decreased

to the southwest of the town in the lower left part

cycling path where bikes ride

on the opposite side reversed part

replaced taken the place of

in terms of considering

butcher’s place to buy meat

single row one line

lane separating space keeping apart

slightly expanded in size got a little bigger

remain the same unchanged

removed in favor of taken away so that

previously unoccupied space place where nothing was there before

combined added together

transformed changed