September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Map of Science Park


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The maps detail alterations to a science park dating back to 2008. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that the park has expanded to include more areas for researcheducation and improved accessibility.

Considering initially the northern end of the park, in 2008 there was considerable untouched natural land that has now been replaced with a research and development center (the reception area was also removed in favor of a university hub, while the adjacent offices remain the same). South of these new facilities, the car park has reduced in size, the business units are unchanged, and, most significantly, the cyber security building has been enlargedovertaking previously undeveloped land.

In the southern section of the park, the circular IT centre has been transformed into an innovation centre and there is a new train station on the southernmost tracks with walkways branching off to various facilitiesFinally, there are additional biking routes along an eastern road and running through the centre of the park past the car park and new buildings as well as a bus stop on the eastern side of campus .