March 14, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Map of Pebbleton

Vocabulary Answers

Try to write down or think of an antonym/opposite word for further practice:

detail show

town village

in the past before

in the present day now

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

residential for people to live

offers provides

access can get to

pedestrians people walking

most noteworthy changes biggest alterations

relate to concerning

expansion growing

housing residences

northern end top end part

narrow peninsula small piece of land surrounded by water on 3 sides

additional extra

old fort historic barracks

replaced in the place of

community centre place for people to hang out

lighthouse tower with a light for passing ships

remains unchanged

south bottom

link connection

footpath road for walking

as well as and

footbridge bridge for walking across

connects links to

on the other side of across from

final change last alteration

former film studio used to be for making movies

southwestern tip bottom to the left end point

presently now

block of flats apartments

areas spaces

main roads major streets

playing field pitch for sports

southern shore bottom coast

alongside next to

wooded space natural land