October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Line Graph-U.S. Energy Consumption by Fuel

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

details fuel consumption shows how much of a fuel source is used

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that petrol and oil overall fuel for cars and industry

dominant fuel sources most used kinds of energy

followed by coal after that the black rock that comes from mining

natural gas a kind of fuel source

more distantly by renewable energies further behind by cleaner sources

varieties different kinds of

are expected to continue rising with the exception of hydropower will keep going up but not with energy from dams

remain stable overall stay the same by the end of the period

stood at was at the level of

before a slight dip with minor fluctuations around falling down a little with erratic rises and falls near

until approximately reaching the point around

From that point on after that

steadier rise begins going up consistently starts

anticipated to reach nearly expected to get to almost

by far the greatest data point in the chart the biggest number in the whole image

considerably lower much less

displayed broadly similar trends almost the same pattern

began the period at started at

Over the following years the next years

figures data

erratic fluctuating

relative positions where they stand in comparison

switched several times changed position a few times

separate itself go off in a different direction

predicted to finish around expected to end at

cleaner energy sources not polluting kinds of energy

less significant not as important

nuclear from radioactive sources

by the end of the projections at the time the graph finishes predictions

slightly lower a little less

near almost at

underwent minor fluctuations to finish around experienced ups and downs and ended near
