February 12, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Line Graph-Population in Four Asian Countries

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

delineates shows

population trends the pattern for the number of people in a country

relate to concern

urban residency people living in cities

starting in beginning

with projections through showing predictions for the future

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

urban areas cities

particularly especially

By the end of the period at the end of the time surveyed

by far the greatest proportion of their population living in cities a lot higher than the percentages for people living in cities in other countries

nearly equal about the same

respectively in turn, for each

rose grew

fluctuated was erratic, not stable

switching relative positions changing which one is leading

marker before beginning a dramatic surge in level prior to starting to grow quickly

anticipated to continue and plateau at just over predicted to keep going and level off at above

in contrast in comparison

declined moderately after went down a bit after

though however

will likely recover will probably come back up

end at a high of above finish at a high point over

statistics numbers

urban residency people living in cities

grown considerably increased a lot

overtaking getting bigger than

pattern trend

projected to persist predicted to continue

the final figure the ending number

among all covering all the countries

Lastly finally

experienced witnessed, underwent

most gradual and consistent increase slowest and steadiest rise

reach approximately get to about

more rapid rise fastest increase

expected over the next predicted in the future to