March 13, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Line chart-Urban and Rural Population Trends Line chart-Urban and Rural Population Trends


1. The line charts detail population trends relating to location and age globally from 1950 until 2040. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that urban populations have and will continue to constitute the majority of growth. 3. In terms of age demographics, those 15-65 have become by far the largest group and this is predicted to remain the same in the future.

  1. Paraphrase what the line chart shows.
  2. Write a clear overview summarising the differences.
  3. You might need a second sentence for your overview.

1. Turning first to urban residency in 1950, this figure began the period at 6%, just 1% above the statistic for the rural population. 2. Over the ensuing years, urban numbers soared, rising by approximately 5% each decade until the present day. 3. This trend is anticipated to continue and urban occupants should represent just under 40% by 2040. 4. In contrast, rural populations were largely steady, increasing under a percentage point every 10 years and anticipated to reach 6% in 2040. 5. The growth in total figures roughly mirror urban percentages but are 5-10% higher throughout.

  1. Begin writing about the data for the first category.
  2. Continue describing it.
  3. Keep describing the data.
  4. Compare to the other lines.
  5. Make sure everything is detailed.

1. The age distribution indicates clearly that those 15-65 (beginning at 6% in 1950) will become most common, rising close to 5% each decade with a likely high point of 35% by the end of the period surveyed. 2. Those under 15 and over 65 display a broadly similar pattern at around 5% for the majority of the time described.

  1. Write about the final other parts of the line graph – include everything!
  2. There is a lot of data in this one but try to get to all of it.