March 14, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Line chart- Australian Residents Line chart- Australian Residents


1. The line chart compares figures for millions of residents from the UK, Asia, and other living in Australia from 1976 to 2011. 2. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that those from the UK experienced a steep decline, which was compensated for with a rise among others and, in particular, Asians. 3. Total numbers also rose overall.

  1. Paraphrase what the graph shows.
  2. Write a clear overview summarising the major trends and differences.
  3. Add an extra sentence to be sure that you have covered everything.

1. Individuals from the UK began the period leading all demographics at nearly 14 million before a precipitous fall to 10 million by 1986. 2. In contrast, Asian residents grew steadily from just over 6 million to 9 million by 1991 (overtaking the UK in that year) and continued this upward trajectory to finish with a final surge to 15 million in 2011. 3. The UK had fallen to 5 million in the same year.

  1. Begin writing about the differences.
  2. Compare as much as possible.
  3. Move on to the next category to describe.
  4. Try to include all the data you can.

1. Other displayed a more erratic trend with initial figures at 11 million, a moderate decline to 8 million by 1986, a consistent rise to 14 million by 2006, and a slight pullback to 13 million to end the period. 2. Total numbers remained between 19 and 25 million throughout the period with a low point in 1996 and a peak in 2011.

  1. Write about the rest of the information.
  2. Make sure you have detailed all the information.