October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Line chart-Age Groups and Cinema Attendance


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The line chart details figures for cinema attendance across various age demographics in the United States between 2000 and 2011. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that attendance increased for all groups, with younger people, especially teenagers and young adults, watching movies the most often. As people got older, they tended to go to the cinema less frequently.

Those aged 15 – 24 began the period with 15% going to the cinema, a narrow lead over the other demographics. This figure then rose steadily to over 30% by 2004, fluctuated between 35% and 50% for the next several years before finishing at 52%. In contrasttheater attendance from the age of 35 and up was marginal yet increased consistently beginning at 1% and ending the period at a high point of 13%.

The trends for 7-14 and 25-35-year-old cinema-goers were similar throughout as the former began twice as high at 10%. Attendance was then erratic but only slightly up overall until 2005 when there was a surge to 30%, followed by a high of 38% in 2010 and a final figure of 30% in 2011. The latter group displayed an unstable trend with comparable percentagesintersected with the aforementioned age bracket twice, and concluded the period with a partial recovery to an identical 30% figure.