Leather Process chart
Vocabulary Answers
Try practicing with the vocabulary below by writing an antonym/opposite word on a piece of paper (or just thinking of one):
diagram details process hows
process diagram
leather products made from animal skins, usually from cows
retail for sale
Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall
main steps biggest stages
entirely completely
man-made process done by humans
beginning with starting with
initial transportation first sending
raw material basic substance
factory place to make items
followed by next
preparation being made
processing making into
finally in the end
production making into something
consumer products objecets for sale
firstly to start
skins the hide of an animal
dried not wet
subsequent to this after this
taken sent to
truck big car
washed cleaned
lime cleaning substance
soaked left in water
a period of time some period
run through put through
machine device
large rollers big objects for flattening
flattens them out stretches them
next after this
tannin a chemical protein
composed of made of
vegetable matter comes from vegetables
polished made shiny
rolling device circular object for flattening or spreading
final end
crafted made
available can be bought
consumer shops stores