October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Writing : Fame

Vocabulary Answers

easier than ever today become more possible

channels for distribution ways of getting your content out

opens up allows for

entertainment industry movies, TV, music, etc.

greater diversity more different types of

decry rail against

talentless not good at anything

honing their craft getting better at their job

get a slot have a time

talkshows late night shows

overnight suddenly

discernible talents obvious abilities

socialite dilletant

take advantage exploit

wealth money

build a brand become well known

canny use intelligent use

in her own right on her own

aforementioned cases what was said before

on a whole overall

diverse range lots of possibilities

prerogative right

occasional exception odd situation

ethnic group minority

privileged backgrounds rich

making up consisting of

disproportionate share take up too much

levelled the playing field makes everything equal/even

broadcast send out

cultivate develop

loyal fanbase passionate supporters

barriers roadblocks

ingrained reluctance inherent disinclination

authority figures those in power

ethnicities people from various cultures

honest chance actually possible

clear cultural drawbacks obvious disadvantages for the culture

inclusive including all types of people

developmental side effects hurt their upbringing