IELTS Task 2 Essay: Plagiarism
Vocabulary Answers
plagiarism stealing others work and pretending it is your own
serious issue important problem
center around relate to
dissemination spread
varying attitudes different opinions about
intellectual property rights copyright
strict censures severe disapproval
plagiarised works stolen writing
offence crime
treated very lightly not punished severely
copyright your ownership rights
largely just for show not actually enforced
common practice happens a lot
no legal repercussions get away with it
reproduce copy
works of others other people’s writing/words
prohibited not allowed
coming up with their own ideas think of their own concepts
hardly polices IP rights does not care about copyright
lawlessness no law
altogether taken as a whole
culturally permitted allowed in this society
if not encouraged actually kind of encouraged
differing standards not the same feelings towards
legal frameworks laws
implement put in place
outright copy and paste works brazenly steal
pass them off as their own pretend they wrote them
commercial purposes to make money for themselves
subject to full criminal and civil prosecution go to trial/court
most extreme cases very bad times
thornier complicated
perpetrators criminals
direct financial benefit actualy money from it
track down find
police verb for police/enforce
initiate warnings send out warning messages
repeat offenders those who do it repeatedly
pertinent threat pressing problem
work in tandem collaborate
potential damage possible hurt
extricate untangle
advisable good idea to
preventive measures methods to stop from happening
put in place implement