October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Wealthy Countries

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

increasingly common happens more and more

wealthier nations richer countries

donate give time or money to someone else

aiding less developed countries helping poorer countries

natural result inevitable end

advances developments

media news, TV, etc.

technology machinery, computers, etc.

far more than a lot more than

ostensibly seemingly

pervasive trend common pattern

in recent decades the last 20 or 30 years

aware of know about

capable of can do

The last several decades have witnessed the rise of media recently there are more and more ways to learn about the world

traditional television shows normal TV programs

newspapers where you read the news

social media Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.

easily access information from a variety of sources get what you want to know from many places

issues problems

distant countries places far away

generally overall

conveniently abroad easily to other countries

far faster much quicker

past modes of travel different ways of moving

ships boats

trains way to travel across countries

cheaper not expensive

average incomes normal amount earned

risen increased

particularly in especially in

developed nations richer countries

phenomenon event, happening

mostly concerned with improving has to do with mainly

self-esteem how you feel about yourself

lack confidence low self-esteem

self-image how you view yourself

volunteer person who helps others

causes things you care about

A young person of privilege a rich kid

guilty bad conscience

standard of living quality of life

lack of accomplishments haven’t done much in life

therefore thus

confidence feeling good about yourself

flaunt show off

achievements what you’ve accomplished

university entrance essays writing to apply for university

unlikely probably won’t happen

experience life events

significant change big difference

training young volunteers teaching young people

outweigh stronger than

contributions help

chiefly benefits mainly helps

nonetheless regardless

sometimes on occasion

concomitant related, comes with it

advantages benefits

locals people living there