IELTS Essay: The Internet and Books
Vocabulary Answers
a fact of modern life true about the world now
stored online kept on the internet
physical books real books
negative overall bad in general
obvious conveniences clearly helpful
supporters of this trend those in favour of it
point to argue about
numerous ways many methods
disseminated spread around
almost universally accessible nearly used by everyone
narrowing socioeconomic differences less difference between classes
allowing for opening up the possibility of
first of all firstly
relevant information what you are looking for
search engines Google, etc.
wide range of sources many places to find information
user-generated sites websites where people visiting create the content
news outlets the media
academic journals formal papers, magazines
locates finds
search within find inside of
share give to others
more than would be possible couldn’t happen with
hard copy real edition
nonetheless regardless
encourages makes people want to
dependence can’t stop using
harmful injurious
a given topic whatever they are looking up
check out take out
expert person who knows a lot
process steps
possibility of bias maybe prejudiced
conscientious careful
patiently slowly and carefully
fuller, more nuanced sources more complete articles, books
hastily written quickly written
attract more clicks get more people to go to it
generate advertising revenue make money
tap into exploit
fundamental human basic human
constantly engaged always occupied
feeling pleasure happy
over time in the long-term
led to caused
generation group of people around the same age
addicted to devices can’t stop using phones
lacking not having
healthy habits good habits
engendered by created by
despite regardless of
handiness convenience
human psyche human mind, psychology
on level overall
counter fight against
potentially injurious effects possibly harmful results