October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Taking Care of Parents

Vocabulary Answers

less and less likely not as common

look after take care of

decided definite

drawbacks downsides

greater more important

decry question

perceived selfishness apparently only caring about themselves

point out argue

vulnerability weakness

suffer hurt

chronic your whole life

degenerative conditions conditions that only get worse, not better

declining eyesight worse seeing

arthritis aching joints

dementia can’t remember, Alzheimer’s

rely depend on

support help

spouse capable significant other can

fixed incomes no extra money

financial assistance extra money

social welfare systems support from the government, housing, etc.

retirement stopping working after 65

find themselves end up

destitute conditions very poor

soup kitchens places that provide free meals

in extreme cases the worst examples

driven to homelessness have to live on the streets

exceptions outliers

independent self-reliant

end up finally become

neglect not pay attention to

pay exorbitant medical bills expensive medicine, treatments

impact disproportionate with its benefits not as much result as what it costs

better off prioritising should care about

may come to think of themselves as burdens feel they are a hindrance

constantly always

impairing hurting

progress moving up in life

adequate enough

to begin with starting with

a greater degree some amount

self-reliance independence

preserve maintain

dignity self-respect

prosper flourish

necessity need

specific instances some examples

last resort option no other choice/option