October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Standards of Living

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

standards of living how well people live, quality of life

primarily urban residents mostly people living in cities

countryside rural areas, outside cities

benefit aid

lead to opposite problems create inverse issues

related to concerning

population density how many people in an area

best mitigated best dealt with

governmental action nations taking steps

inequality not being equal

in terms of standard of living when it comes to quality of life

engenders creates

rural regions the countryside

over-populated too many people living there

century 100 years

offer allow for

wider range more kinds of

educational related to learning

occupational related to work

recreational options related to free time

elevated population density more people living there

higher standard of living generally living better overall

overcome stronger than

concomitant related, caused by

traffic cars and bikes

less sanitary conditions not clean

higher crime rates more crime

inverse opposite

exists outside cities is in the countryside

locals struggle people living there have a tough time

earn a living make money

sparsely populated towns and villages

countered by fixed by

authorities people in charge

various initiatives different efforts

implemented put into place

one real-world example of this would be an actual instance is

in recent years recently

addressed dwindling population numbers deal with fewer people there

auctioning off selling

cheaply not expensively

prospective home-owners people who want to own homes

agree feel the same way

another possible measure would be for a different fix is

invest put money into

urban infrastructure city roads, buildings, sewage, etc.

migrations people moving

inevitable will of course happen

more pragmatic tactic more realistic strategy

rising standards of living better quality of life

effectively controlled well handled

intervene step in

pressing important

global middle class people earning more money all around the world