IELTS Essay: Restaurants & Food Waste
Vocabulary Answers
growing global problem increasing issue around the world
countermeasure solution
cut down on portion sizes eat less food
mainly mostly
ensure make sure
natural instinct predisposed towards
drive partly explains desire somewhat illustrates
ambitious shoppers intending people buying more than they can eat/prepare wanting to
summon the initiative work up the effort to
produce fruit and veggies
spoil go bad
throw it out put in the trash
make other plans do something else
reinforcing cycle feedback loop
over-eating eating too much
obese consumers fat people
stuff themselves eat too much
over time gradually
ingrained habit accustomed to it
increasingly greater quantities of food larger and larger portion sizes
naturally go bad inevitably spoil
thrown out put in the trash
finish eat all
counter-example example of the opposite case
practice behaviour
smaller portion sizes less food per meal
dramatically lower much less
modest smaller
replicated repeated
reformed school meals changed what kids eat at school
took other key steps did other things
deep psychological roots part of being human
average meal normal meal
shift change
concerted effort dedicated attempt
ordinary citizens normal people
health officials those in charge of public health