October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Responsibility for Plastic Packaging

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

synonymous phrase for each:

  1. excessive packaging – overabundance of packaging
  2. sparked debate regarding – ignited a discussion concerning
  3. reduction – decrease or lowering
  4. corporations – companies or businesses
  5. retailers – sellers or merchants
  6. lead – guide or direct
  7. contend – argue or maintain
  8. the onus lies on – the responsibility rests on
  9. make conscious choices – make deliberate decisions
  10. Advocates for – supporters of or proponents of
  11. assert – state or affirm
  12. the most significant role in addressing this issue – the primary role in tackling this problem
  13. enforce sustainable packaging practices – ensure the implementation of eco-friendly packaging methods
  14. biodegradable – capable of decomposing naturally
  15. recyclable materials – materials that can be recycled
  16. compostable plastics – plastic that can be composted
  17. cardboard – card or paper-based material
  18. employ innovative packaging designs – utilize creative packaging solutions
  19. minimize materials – reduce the amount of materials used
  20. ensuring product safety – guaranteeing the safety of the product
  21. Relatedly – in a related vein or context
  22. collaborate – work together or cooperate
  23. establish refill stations – set up stations for refilling
  24. containers – receptacles or vessels
  25. detergents – cleaning agents
  26. reducing the need for – diminishing the necessity of
  27. By taking these initiatives – Through implementing these measures
  28. effectively reduce waste – efficiently decrease waste
  29. contribute to a more sustainable future – play a part in building a sustainable future
  30. On the other hand – Conversely or alternatively
  31. proponents of – supporters of or advocates for
  32. emphasize – highlight or stress
  33. have the power to drive change – possess the ability to bring about change
  34. purchasing decisions – buying choices
  35. actively seek out – actively search for or pursue
  36. bulk foods – items bought in large quantities
  37. loose quantities – unpackaged amounts
  38. offer alternatives to single-use packaging – provide options instead of disposable packaging
  39. provide reusable bags – supply bags that can be used multiple times
  40. employ reusable bags – utilize bags that can be used repeatedly
  41. lifestyle changes – modifications to one’s way of life
  42. actively participating in recycling programs – engaging actively in recycling schemes
  43. initiatives – actions or endeavors
  44. promote – encourage or foster
  45. composting – the process of decomposing organic waste
  46. zero-waste campaigns – campaigns advocating for no waste generation
  47. Truly dedicated individuals – genuinely committed individuals
  48. join local environmental groups – become members of local eco-conscious organizations
  49. online communities – virtual communities or groups
  50. share tips – exchange advice or recommendations
  51. strategies – plans or approaches
  52. necessitates effort from – requires effort from
  53. collectively contribute to a healthier planet for future generations – together, make a positive impact on the planet for future generations