October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Resources for Protecting Wild Animals and Birds

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

argue claim

undue emphasis too much focus

safeguarding protecting

various species different animals

wild animals not domesticated like cats and dogs

legitimate practical objections real actual criticisms

positive overall good in general

given considering

potential impact possible effect

abandoning not helping

efforts attempts

opponents people against them

current conservation initiatives right now trying to save animals

unnecessary waste of valuable resources not needed wasting money

natural related to nature, organic

ecosystems how plants and animals interact and live together

going extinct not longer exist

fighting for survival trying to live

human intervention people stepping in to help

unnatural not normal

to a certain degree somewhat

adapt change

flourish do really well

obsolete no longer needed

added to this is the economic burden there is also the financial pressure

majority most of

endangered animals animals that are on the verge of extinction

developing nations countries getting better

national governments countries and the authorities

variety kinds of

concerns worries

related to concerning

healthcare hospitals and doctors

education schools

employment jobs

and so on etc.

take precedence over more important than

populations how many are alive

protect safeguard

disappearance absent

irreversible can’t be fixed

responsibility duty

to my mind in my opinion

compelling enough argument good claim for

blame responsibility for it

assigned in a number of directions given out different places

self-righteous full of themselves

persuasive convincing

permanent damage the effect will last forever

impact future generations affect the future

depends on relies on

biodiversity different plants and animals

new medicines new drugs

functioning of a healthy food chain good interactions between animals

showcase show off

varied expressions different ways

only known home only place they live

short-sighted not looking to the future

eliminate get rid of

damage hurt

reputation what people think about it

despite regardless of

financial cost money

essential crucial

prioritize better than

future looking forward to later on

short-term considerations only thinking about now