March 14, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Paying Attention in School

Vocabulary Answers

these days nowadays

increasingly difficult harder

pay attention focus, concentrate

partly somewhat

exacerbated made worse

solutions lie in remedies include

school reform changes to schools

stay engaged pay attention

natural predisposition normal inclination

pervasive throughout

screen time spending time on phones, computers

escape get away from

provides little pleasure itself doesn’t make you happy on your own

relative to compared to

passive not active

active pastimes not passive activities

advent beginning of

ubiquitous common

internet era online

portable devices smartphones, tablets, etc.

exponential effect gets worse and worse quickly

attention spans amount of time you can focus

diversionary priorities paying attention to other things

addicted can’t stop using

struggle have difficulty with

intricate arguments complex discussions

lengthy lectures long talks

extended readings long texts

small scale not applying to many people

remedy fix

sheer willpower just not doing it

broader common

play an active role not a passive part

most immediate fix fastest remedy

ban can’t use anymore

serve practical purposes real reasons to do it

book a ride home use a ride-hailing app

taken not allowed to keep

returned given back

modernise make modern and new

curriculum what is studied in school

account for pay attention to

interactivity not a passive experience

stimulate make more interesting

rather than instead of

passive learning environment not active classes

daydreaming imagining

generations many years

irreversible can’t be changed

progress moving forward

implement changes make reforms

curb slow down

supportive helpful

reforms changes