October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Imported Foods

Vocabulary Answers

increasingly importing bring in more products from other countries

relying less not need as much

domestic supplies what is made in your country

narrow economic drawbacks small disadvantages for the economy

net positive overall good

negative aspects disadvantages

relate to concern

domestic agriculture farms in your country

trade agreements deal between countries

a variety of countries many nations

enabling allowing for

purchase buy

locally grown grown in your country

only available seasonally can only be bought sometimes

prohibitively expensive too much

rely on need

specialised crops rare, specific foods

surge increase a lot

now account for consider now

global nature all countries involved

not in a position can’t

strong likelihood good chance

suffer a serious decline decrease a lot

living standards how you are living

consider the possibility think about the chance

mitigated weakened

government subsidies government support/money

average shopper normal consumer

substantial a lot

resigned themselves given up and now happy with

limited range not many types

local produce grown in nearby farms

restricted by limited by

geography land, terrain

eat exotic fruits eat rare fruits

aside from besides

luxuries not necessary

utilitarian benefits real impact

limited arable land not much farming land

Sub-Saharan Africa countries in and below the Sahara desert

make deals sign constracts

leverage exploit

abundant natural resources lots of resources

tangible result real effect

previously malnourished residents starving before

greater access more ability to get

nutritious healthy

in turn then

life expectancy longevity

quality of life standards of living

limited economic collateral just hurts a bit

thriving doing well

outweigh stronger than

affluent rich

underprivileged segments of a population poorer residents