September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Farm Animals and Vegetables


What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Some today have argued that it would be a sensible policy to teach children how to farm and raise animals at school. In my opinion, though this would require enormous resources, it would be beneficial in terms of both physical and intellectual development.

Those arguing against this proposal point out the resources needed. In order to implement such an ambitious program, schools would firstly need land nearby where animals and crops could be raised. This might be possible within a school’s pre-existing grounds, but there would still need to be significant investment in infrastructure. Schools would therefore have to reallocate a significant portion of their budgetpotentially reducing the money for crucial facilities, staff, and teaching resources.

However, the advantages for the holistic development of children is overwhelming. Students today spend more time than ever before passively using technological devicesBy spending more time outdoors learning about animals and crops, students will better understand their position within the natural food chainOver time, this may lead them to adopt environmentally friendliercompassionate lifestyle choices such as becoming vegetarians or shopping locally rather than buying from large chains. Moreover, the work outdoors would necessarily involve physical exercise. Since obesity is a growing concern in most countries, this time outside could help to improve standards of physical fitness and establish healthy lifelong habits.

In conclusion, despite the money this reform would require, schools should adopt it when possible so as to achieve a more complete education for students. Governments should consider the long-term effects when deciding on such policies.