October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Experiences Before and After School

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

argue point out

experiences things that happen in life

greatest impact occur biggest effect happen

teenager between the ages of 13 and 19

most pivotal stages of development biggest part of growing up

argument point

primacy importance

supported by helped by

psychological research learning about the human mind

In the early 20th century soon after 1900

analyze look closely at

perform experiments do studies

in order to so that

verify theories make sure ideas are true

Over the last century the previous 100 years

studies research

evolved changed over time

now commonly accepted everyone now believes

in the field of psychology in the study of the human mind

definitively shape clearly influence

personality temperament, identity

identity who you are

This is particularly the case when especially true when

undergoes trauma experiences really bad things

abuse hurt

neglect not pay attention to

more likely probably going to happen

mental health disorders psychological problems

suffer generally have issues overall

low self-esteem not feel good about yourself

in fact take place actually happen

directly impactful clearly affect

compelling persuasive

verify make sure it is true

beyond the purely theoretical past just the realm of ideas

tangible effects real impact

settle into choose

distinct distinguishable

social groups friend groups

inform contribute to

take up join

potentially possible

lasting hobbies lifelong interests

decide on a future career choose a job for later

activities what people do in life

shift their focus in life change direction

pursuing trying to do for a career

artistic field the arts

higher education university

despite regardless of

late adolescent teenage years

key crucial

supported fully helped 100%