March 14, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Cyclists

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

recent calls people have been asking for now

mandatory tests required exams

cyclists people who ride bicycles

permitted allowed

public motorways roads and streets

proposal idea

managed properly dealt with well

advisable good idea

detractors argue people against this claim

reform change

essentially basically

complex method complicated way

fixing making better

exist be in the real world

fairly simple skill basic ability

unclear fuzzy

license permit

logistically pragmatically

extra paperwork more forms

bureaucracy government agencies processing papers, red tape

negative not positive

charged with enforcing must make sure the law is upheld

strong likelihood good chance

tokenistic not really effective

pass a basic written test get good enough marks on an exam

demonstrate show

ensure make sure of

safe riders good cyclists

exists is present

particularly cognizant definitely aware of

hierarchy of vehicles order of importance of cars, bikes, etc.

considered thought about

menace problem

annoyance something that annoys you

increase the odds of accidents there is a better chance of people being hurt

essentially basically

weave combine

traffic cars on the road

traveling at faster speeds going more quickly

rightly belong definitely should be there

unwritten rules of etiquette how to drive well and behave

greatly enhance road conditions make it better to drive

motorists people who drive

pedestrians people walking around

apply put in an application

culture how people behave together

fit into the flow of traffic more seamlessly blend better with other vehicles

significant practical hurdles big problems to overcome to make it work

addresses deals with

key public road issue crucial problem for driving

therefore enact thus put into place

regulation law