March 14, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Curriculum

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

argue contend

focus more look more at

adaptability be able to change

rather than instead of

traditional old, conservative, normal

discrete subjects separate areas of study

strong argument good point

contention argument

given some random

disruptive nature way they disrupt, change industries

modern industries new technologies

nonetheless regardless

preserve keep

traditional role normal place

curriculum what is studied at a school

support are in favor of

reform change

contend argue

modern workforces people employed

past generations parents, grandparents, etc.

rely on depend on

related to concerning

accounting dealing with numbers

finance dealing with money

and so on etc.

providing lasting job security guaranteeing a job later

guarantee making sure of

less stable not certain

due to advances in because of changes in

automation specifically and technology generally computers and robots doing things especially but also tech overall

phased out replaced

replaced by something taking the place of

cheap software inexpensive programs

adaptable methods new ways

handling change dealing with adaptability

cope with deal with

uncertain future job market problems in the future finding a job

traditional subjects normal academic subjects

invaluable base of knowledge really important subjects

average student normal person studying

core subjects basic things studied in school

well-rounded intellectually all around good for your thinking

literature books

the sciences biology, chemistry, etc.

physical education gym

economics studying about money and economies

philosophy studying about knowledge and life

naturally of course

will not yield practical skills won’t actually produce anything

daily basis throughout life every day your whole life

source where it comes from

complaints criticisms

curricula plural of curriculum

final utility last usage

calligraphy study of writing letters

later informed after that went into

lasting design permanent look

computer interfaces how computers look and function on the screen

word processors MS word, etc.

despite pragmatic employment concerns regardless of real worries about jobs

essential crucial

possess foundational knowledge have info about lots of areas

multiple disciplines different subjects

binary distinction black and white difference

subject knowledge areas to study

flexible skills adaptable abilities

necessary needed