IELTS Essay: Criminal Treatment
Vocabulary Answers
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
reformers people who want to make changes
argue point out, contend
adults older people
young people people who are younger
treated equally under the law have the same punishments and dealt with the same way
despite regardless of
ostensible fairness seemingly just, right
proposal idea
disregards ignores
crucial key
psychological differences mental disparities
receive get
point out argue
engender creates
greater deterring effect does more to stop others from doing the same
justice fairness
as a means to in order to
ensure make sure of
commit similar crimes do the same things
generally overall
actions will have consequences you must be responsible
punishable can be punished in this way
prison time time in jail
penalties punishments
censures admonishments
weakened curbed, limited
chances odds of something happening
attempt try
logically rationally
engaging in taking part in
criminal behavior committing crimes
lower than at any point in human history never better than now
just right, fair
mitigating factor reason to lessen punishment
develop grow
socially relating to others
intellectually relating to the mind
might not fully grasp the consequences of their choices for themselves and others can’t completely understand the results of their actions
recent cases instances that happened not that long ago
influenced impacted
extremist elements strong opinions
pervasive common
social media Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
impressionable easily influenced
lack don’t have
confidence self-esteem
maturity feeling like an adult
vulnerability weakness
extends to also includes
emotional related to emotions
justifies gives reason for
protect keep safe
receiving overly harsh sentences get too strict punishments
practical reasons pragmatic causes for
equal punishments the same sentences
alteration change
a range of factors many different elements
selecting choosing
appropriate punishment fitting sentence