February 5, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Cities and Exercise

Vocabulary Answers

increasingly difficult more and more hard

average citizen normal person

urban area city

set aside keep safe

largely mostly

rise of sedentary lifestyles less active lives

involve related to

moderate minimal

individual changes not group reforms

reduced physical activity more passive

residents people who live there

modern ways of living new lifestyles

relates has to do with

more common more popular

combined with this altogether

widespread common

reduce activity make more passive

self-cleaning robots Roomba and other devices

factors together elements combined

constitute a trend add up to a pattern

passive not active

dependent reliant on

modern comforts conveniences

individual initiative people acting on their own

at least dimly aware at miniumum know to an extent

dangers risks

addiction to can’t stop using

reliance on dependent on

remedies fixes

allocating time giving time

socially reinforcing friends encouraging

potential counters possible solutions

meeting consumer demand giving customers what they want

wearable can be worn on the body

track advanced biometric data follow health info

heartbeat how fast your heart beats

quality of sleep how good your sleep is

devices electronics

implicitly encourage imply

at the root of the source of

fixed solved

taking up the burden of take responsibility

advisable a good idea to

individual responsibility one’s duty

habit repeated action

myriad benefits many advantages