IELTS Essay: Change
Vocabulary Answers
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
justifiably resistant to the idea of change good reason to not want to do things differently
embrace accept
driving force for growth the motivation behind change/progress
not inherently progress doesn’t necessarily mean you are improving
not be pursued in all situations not a goal all the time
Those who argue in favor of people who support
grow in a positive direction progress
evident clear
through stages of childhood and adolescence as you get older
mature smarter, wiser, older
intelligent smarter
The same fact applies when it is also true as
adult older person
reconsidering thinking about again
biases opinions
healthy, upward personal development growing
One further instance of this relates to another example is
multiple relationships going out with lots of people
emotional intelligence understanding others well
healthy partner good person in a relationship
not necessarily related to doesn’t always have anything to do with
This fact is best illustrated through the everyday examples this truth can be supported by normal instances in life
not guaranteed to not for sure going to happen
position job
come to regret moving on will eventually not feel good about changing
remains at a single job stays at one occupation
into a variety or roles and grow in different positions and get better
neglect not pay attention to
personal growth as a consequence grow as a person because of that
make deeper and longer-lasting personal progress grow more personally
despite the fact that regardless of the truth that
catalyst cause of
intrinsically positive definitely good
alter the material circumstances around them change your job, home, etc.