October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Cambridge 16 Essay: Driverless Vehicles

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

filled with full of

driverless vehicles cars that drive themselves

inevitability will definitely happen

though despite

concomitant related, coming from this

moral risks ethical considerations

practical import actual impact

seismic shift huge change

positive on the whole good overall

critics detractors

trend pattern

suggest say

responsible have a duty

potential loss possible death

argument rests on the fact that position is based in

involving having to do with

possible potential

either assess blame one option is that you can say who is responsible

assign punishment sentence them

accept recognize

human error mistakes by people

played a role had a part in

in contrast however

severely injured hurt badly

as the result of because of

collision accident

caused by happens because of

justly fair

human autonomy people choosing

free will choice

absent lacking

fate what will happen to you in life

analogous comparative to

natural disaster hurricanes, tsunamis, etc.

crucial distinction key difference

engineered the situation created the event

human nature how people are

prefer would rather

control have power over

rather than instead of

surrender give over power to

outcome result

autonomous freedom

proponents supporters

automated vehicles driverless cars, self-driving cars

on the other hand however

argue claim

tangible ramifications real impact

concerning having to do with

public safety the health of people

overwhelmingly clearly

driverless vehicles self-driving automobiles

prone have a tendency to

errors mistakes

fatigue tiredness

distractions ways to lose attention

in some cases sometimes

altered states drunk, under the influence of a substance

occasional sometimes

technical error computer mistake

far more consistent much more reliable

by comparison compared to that

in fact actually

occurred happened

fault mistake

enable allow for

greater level higher

sophistication complexity

theoretically hypothetically

all but eliminate automobile accidents nearly gotten rid of

safer roads fewer accidents

justify give good reason

innovation change

wary worried about

influence effect on

embracing welcoming

most transparent benefits very clear advantages