February 5, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

36.Describe image

The following line chart gives information about music revenues by dollars from 1977 to 2017. According to the line chart, the blue area means the physical revenue, which drops from sixteen billion in nineteen seventy eight to nine billion in nineteen eighty two, before reaching the highest point, twenty two billion in two thousand. Then the green area means the digital revenue, which rises from zero in two thousand and five to seven billion in twenty seventeen. In conclusion, we can find the physical revenue is always higher than the digital revenue. The following graph gives information about music revenues by dollars from 1977 to 2017. The items include physical revenue in blue and digital revenue in green. You can see from this graph that, in physical revenue, the value of nineteen seventy eight is around sixteen billion. You can see from this graph that, in physical revenue, the value of two thousand is around twenty two billion, which is higher. You can see from this graph that, in digital revenue, the value of two thousand and five is around zero, which is the lowest. You can see from this graph that, in digital revenue, the value of twenty seventeen is around seven billion, which is the highest. In conclusion, this graph is very informative.