Describe an advertisement that you don’t like
- When did you see it?
- What is it about?
- Where you saw it/how you came to know about it?
- Why you didn’t like it
- Well, I generally don’t like to watch a lot of advertisements because I think they are a
waste of time. - Although some ads are funny and informative but then there are some ads which can
really annoy or irritate people. - And today, I would like to talk about one such advertisement which I really dislike
whenever it’s on air. - It is the ad of a toilet cleaner and it’s run time is about 45 seconds
- What happens in this advertisement is that a TV show host visits four to five different
households and asks the house owners about the cleanliness level of their toilets. - Most of the people say that their toilets are clean but then he insists on seeing them.
- Next, the camera zooms on to the actual toilet seats, which are very dirty and have
yellow/ dark brown stains on them. - The host then recommends the blue coloured toilet cleaner and applies it to the dirty
toilet seats - After this the toilets are shown as sparkling clean just like a brand new toilet.
- Now there are two main reasons why I hate this advertisement.
- First is obviously the dirty toilets seats being shown on television.
- I think it would give nausea to anyone watching it.
- The second, and the worst part about this ad is its timing.
- Normally, I watch the television while having my food i.e. during Lunch or Dinner and this
is the time when they show this ad repeatedly. - It makes me feel so disgusted, and I am not able to eat my food after watching this ad.
- Nowadays this ad is being shown on youtube as well and I always do skip ad whenever it
comes online. - I wish there should be a method
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