March 12, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe a website which helped you to dosomething / website you visit often/ use regularly

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. What are the most popular and least popular apps in your country?
    I think its nearly the same the world over. The most popular apps are the social media apps like
    Facebook and Instagram. Moreover, google as a search engine and YouTube for watching videos are
    also very popular. Regarding the least popular, well I would have known about them, if they were a
    bit more popular.
  2. What the difference between the internet and the TV?
    I think the main difference is that we have choice in selecting what we watch or read about on the
    internet. We also have choice in regards in TV but it is among a few different options, it is not as
    open ended as the internet. Moreover, the internet is more interactive as it gives us the option to
    express ourself. For example, we can post reviews and rate movies after watching them.
  3. Why do some people like to read news on the internet instead of getting it from TV?
    The main benefit is that people can directly search for the news they are interested in. For example,
    if someone is interested in sports news , he can directly move to the sports section. Moreover,
    people can also read the news in detail along with watching the video on the Internet.
  4. Are libraries still beneficial? Why or why not?
    Libraries are much more than places with a collection of books. They are places which provide a
    quiet environment for people to sit and concentrate on their work. Thus ,if we look at them from
    the perspective of increasing noise in the world, their importance has increased. Moreover, the
    internet has a lot more information but the information is scattered and its really hard to not get
    distracted while working on the internet.
  5. What kinds of people still like to go to the library to study?
    Firstly, I think people who find it hard to concentrate at home or those who need a peaceful and
    quiet environment still go the library. Moreover, people who find looking at the computer screen
    straining like to go to the library.
  6. What is difference between the old and young in regards to internet use?
    I would call the young to be experts and old as amateurs in this regard. I think young were born
    with the internet and thus are much more comfortable in using it. They know all the ins and out of
    the internet, they know the reliable websites and they can recognise the scams as well. Moreover,
    internet is a part of life for the youth – they use it for anything or everything, while the old it is till
    limited to some specific areas like banking or online shopping.
  7. Can internet help children in their study?
    Yes, definitely. The Internet is an ocean of knowledge. Children can take the help of many
    educational sites on the net.
  8. Will downloading music or movies for free cause a problem?
    Yes, it can cause problems. It can affect the sale of this music and the movies also. But it cannot be
    stopped. People will always find ways of doing so. This has also made many amateur singers and
    actors famous overnight.
  9. Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on the internet content. What do
    you think?
    Yes, interests change according to age. Children like to watch cartoons on internet whereas the
    younger generation uses it mainly for social networking and shopping. The elderly are using it for
    finding and sharing information.
  10. What influence can (or does) the internet have on children?
    Internet has positive as well as negative impact on children. If the internet access is not supervised
    or appropriate parental controls are not implemented, children can access restricted websites
    which can have a negative influence on them.
    11 . What kind of people don’t use the internet and what are the disadvantages that those people
    suffer because they don’t use the internet?
    Some people who are against technology and have orthodox thinking do not use the internet. But
    mostly poor people do not have access to internet. These people are not aware about things
    happening around them and how technology has brought convenience to our life. So they are
    dependent on others all the time for information.