Describe a place/ country in which you wouldlike to live/ work for a short period of time
- Where you would like to live/work
- What you want to do there
- When would you like to go there
- Why you want to live there
- I am planning to go abroad for my higher studies.
- My dream country for my further studies is Canada.
- I would like to work there for the time that I am there.
- I have heard that students can work part time while studying over there.
- My friend went to Humber College Canada for his Business Management course.
- He told me a lot about the education system there.
- He is working part time in a pizza outlet.
- He gets 10 Canadian dollars an hour.m a k k a r I E L T S
- He can work 20 hours per week but he can be flexible with the number of hours he can
work per day. - So he works 5 hours on Saturday and 5 on Sunday and two hours per day on weekdays. In
this way his study is not disturbed. - He is managing his overhead expenses very nicely.
- I intend to join him soon.
- He has promised to help me find a job there.
- I would like to work in the library.
- Part time jobs in the library get filled up very fast.
- If I don’t get a job in the library, I would like to work in a restaurant or a fast food outlet.
- I think it would be a very good way to learn about the culture and to meet new people and
make new friends. - Canada is a beautiful country.
- My friend is in Toronto and he has told me that he has visited many places there.
- He told me about the CN Tower and the Niagara Falls.
- So, I would definitely like to live in Canada for a short time
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