September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

BRAINSTORMING- Writing task 2


To what extent do you agree that globalization is shaping childhood relations? Outline reasons for your viewpoint and explore the causes contributing to the global impact on childhood relationships.

In Favor:

  1. Cultural Exchange and Diversity: Globalization exposes children to diverse cultures, languages, and traditions through increased international connections. This exposure fosters cultural exchange and understanding, enabling children to develop more open-minded and inclusive perspectives. As they interact with peers from different backgrounds, they form relationships based on shared experiences and diverse cultural influences.
  2. Technological Advancements and Connectivity: Globalization has facilitated technological advancements that enable children to connect with others worldwide instantly. Social media, online gaming, and communication platforms transcend geographical boundaries, allowing children to form friendships and relationships with peers from different countries. This interconnectedness broadens their social circles and enhances global understanding.


  1. Homogenization of Culture: Globalization can lead to the spread of dominant cultural norms, potentially erasing unique cultural identities. Children might adopt homogeneous cultural practices and values, diminishing the richness of diverse childhood relations as globalization promotes a more uniform global culture.
  2. Social Inequality and Access Disparities: While globalization creates opportunities for connection, it also exacerbates social inequalities. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds may not have equal access to global connectivity due to disparities in internet access or technological resources. This lack of access can limit their ability to form diverse and globalized relationships.

Causes Contributing to Global Impact on Childhood Relationships:

  1. Internet and Communication Technologies: The proliferation of the internet, smartphones, and social media platforms has drastically increased connectivity among children globally, facilitating the formation of relationships across borders.
  2. Migration and Transnationalism: Global migration patterns have led to diverse communities in different regions, exposing children to various cultures and creating opportunities for cross-cultural relationships and interactions.

In summary, while globalization enhances childhood relations by promoting cultural exchange and global connectivity, it also poses challenges such as the potential homogenization of culture and disparities in access to global connections. Technological advancements and cultural diversity due to migration are key contributors to the global impact on childhood relationships.

here are 10 academic vocabulary words or phrases related to the impact of globalization on childhood relations:

  1. Cultural Diversity: The presence of multiple cultural backgrounds and traditions within a society, influencing the formation of childhood relationships through exposure to different cultural norms.
  2. Transnationalism: The interconnectedness and interactions across national boundaries, shaping childhood relations as children engage with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  3. Global Connectivity: The state of being interconnected and able to communicate with individuals worldwide, impacting childhood relationships by facilitating global interactions.
  4. Cultural Homogenization: The process by which diverse cultural practices and identities become more uniform or standardized due to the influence of globalization, potentially affecting childhood relations.
  5. Cross-Cultural Understanding: The ability to comprehend and appreciate different cultural perspectives, fostering inclusive childhood relationships in diverse cultural settings.
  6. Global Citizenship: The concept of identifying oneself as a member of a worldwide community, influencing children’s perceptions of their role in forming relationships on a global scale.
  7. Digital Globalization: The spread of digital technologies and communication platforms across the globe, shaping childhood relationships by enabling virtual interactions and friendships beyond geographical boundaries.
  8. Intercultural Competency: The capability to effectively communicate and engage with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, impacting childhood relationships in multicultural environments.
  9. Global Awareness: Knowledge and understanding of global issues, cultures, and interconnectedness, influencing children’s perspectives and behaviors in forming relationships.
  10. Cultural Assimilation: The process by which individuals, including children, adopt cultural norms and values from other cultures, impacting childhood relationships as they navigate diverse cultural environments.