October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

BRAINSTORMING- Writing task 2


To what extent do you agree that changing societal norms significantly impact childhood relations? Provide reasons for your viewpoint and delve into the causes driving these changes.

In Favor:

  1. Expanded Social Connections: Changing societal norms, particularly due to technological advancements, have expanded children’s social connections. With the rise of social media and online platforms, kids can connect with peers from diverse backgrounds globally. This increased connectivity fosters broader perspectives, facilitates cultural exchange, and allows for the formation of friendships beyond geographical boundaries.
  2. Shift in Family Dynamics: Evolving societal norms regarding family structures have altered childhood relations. Changes such as the acceptance of diverse family units, including single-parent households, same-sex parents, or blended families, have broadened children’s experiences and understanding of familial relationships. This shift encourages empathy, tolerance, and a more inclusive approach to relationships among children.


  1. Diminished Face-to-Face Interaction: The prevalence of technology and social media can detract from face-to-face interactions among children. Excessive screen time and reliance on virtual communication may hinder the development of essential social skills, such as interpreting non-verbal cues, conflict resolution, and building emotional connections. This can potentially lead to shallower, less meaningful relationships in real-life settings.
  2. Impact of Changing Values: Rapid shifts in societal values, especially regarding individualism and personal autonomy, might inadvertently affect childhood relationships. Children growing up in a culture that heavily emphasizes individualism over collectivism may prioritize personal goals over communal relationships. This emphasis might result in a diminished sense of community, reducing the depth and strength of childhood connections.

Driving Factors for Change:

  1. Technology Advancements: Technological progress, such as the widespread availability of the internet and smartphones, has revolutionized how children communicate and interact. This has both positive and negative effects on childhood relationships, impacting the depth and nature of connections.
  2. Cultural Evolution: Societal changes influenced by cultural shifts, including changing perceptions about gender roles, diversity, and inclusivity, significantly impact childhood relations. As societal attitudes evolve, children adapt and form relationships influenced by these changing norms.

In summary, changing societal norms undeniably influence childhood relations. While they can broaden social connections and foster inclusivity, they may also lead to diminished face-to-face interactions and altered values that impact the depth and quality of relationships among children. Technological advancements and cultural evolution are key drivers of these changes, shaping the landscape of childhood relations in complex ways.

Here are 10 academic vocabulary words or phrases related to the topic of changing societal norms and their impact on childhood relations:

  1. Societal Norms: Accepted behaviors, beliefs, and values within a society that influence social interactions and relationships.
  2. Interpersonal Dynamics: The complex patterns and interactions between individuals in relationships, including communication, behavior, and emotional connections.
  3. Cultural Shifts: Changes in societal norms, traditions, and values within a particular culture or across multiple cultures over time.
  4. Family Structures: The arrangement and organization of familial relationships, including nuclear families, extended families, single-parent households, etc.
  5. Technological Advancements: Progress and developments in technology that shape communication, interaction, and social behavior, impacting childhood relations.
  6. Inclusivity and Diversity: The acceptance and embrace of differences in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc., influencing childhood relationships.
  7. Social Connectivity: The degree to which individuals, including children, are connected to others within their social networks or communities, often affected by societal norms and technology.
  8. Cultural Evolution: The gradual development and transformation of cultural elements, values, and norms over time, influencing childhood relations.
  9. Psychosocial Development: The interplay between psychological factors (such as emotions, cognition) and social experiences that shape a child’s development and relationships.
  10. Impact on Socialization: The effect of societal changes on the process by which children acquire social norms, values, and behaviors, influencing their relationships and interactions.