Bar Chart-Noise Levels in Europe
Vocabulary Answers
Try to write down or think of an antonym/opposite word for further practice:
detail show
noise how loud it is
delineated describe, detail
rural countryside
urban location from cities
Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that traffic overall
overwhelmingly a lot more
main source where most comes from
aircraft planes
industry business, factories, etc.
higher larger than
though despite
generally overall
at all times always
common prevalent
affecting impacting
respectively in turn
figures data
approximately about
half as high 50%
Turning to next
impacted affected
slightly lower a lot less
accounted for was reported at
considerably less a lot less
disturbance being annoyed by
in turn respectively
residents people
heard listened to
half as many 50% as much
aware know about
In terms of concerning
negligible not important at all
stood at was at