Bar Chart-Average Weekly Spending
Vocabulary Answers
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
details shows
average spending per week amount of money every 7 days spent on average
in a given country in a random nation
Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall
declined decreased
the inverse was true for the opposite is the case for
remaining categories other groups
unchanged remained the same
by far the most common a lot more popular
occupied represented
majority most of
family budget how much money a family spends on average
followed closely by right after that
weekly income money earned each week
greatly outstripping much more than
other budgetary concerns different things to spend money on
each of which all of them
represented stood for
Among these in this group
lowest least
spending patterns ways money is spent
diverged more widely were less similar
represented stood for
significant meaningful
trailing behind
displayed showed
notable growth significant rise
respectively in turn
expense money spent
remain fixed stayed the same