October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Bar chart and Pie chart-Internet Use

Vocabulary Answers

Try to write down or think of an antonym/opposite word for further practice:

details hows

percentage %

internet users people online

according to as it relates to

delineates describes

spent on average shopping online the normal amount of money used to buy items on the internet

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

by far a lot more than

proportion ratio, percentage

followed by before

slight differences small divergences

in terms of when it comes to

marginal figure overall low numbers in general

considering looking at

nearly double almost twice as much

subsequent after that

lower less than

highest figure biggest number

slightly above a little over

large drop big decline

trailed were behind

considerably much more

residents people living there

per person for each individual
