February 8, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Airport Map

Vocabulary Answers

Try to write down or think of an antonym/opposite word for further practice:

details shows

plans projections

renovation changes

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

gates places to get on and off the airplanes

greatly expand make much bigger

variety lots of different

customer-facing facilities shops, cafes, etc.

car hire place to rent a car

ATM place to take out money

location place

departure where you leave from

arrival where you come in from flights

entrances place to enter

remain the same unchanged

plans projections

install additional doors put in new doors

currently at the moment

check-in place to register for you flight

projects predicts

space area

in order to so that

make room for allow for

bag drop area place to leave your bags

repositioning of the cafe moving of the coffee shop

affix add on

necessitates requires

expanding making bigger

size how big it is

security checking to make sure you are safe

passport control checking your ID, passport

customs where they check what you are bringing

unchanged no different

however in contrast

future floor plan blueprint for later

immediately right now

exiting leaving

largest proposed alterations biggest changes to be made

replacing taking the place of

walkway path to walk on

sky train track commuter train line

constructing building

branching corridors hallways splitting off

enable flyers allow people flying

reach more than twice as many go to more than double

at the moment right now

renovations changes