December 5, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Communication between Young and Old People

Vocabulary Answers

communication rift breakdowns in talking to each other

natural phenomenon happens normally

compromise meet in the middle

major differences in perspective contrasting viewpoints

mature outlook more reasonable viewpoints

radical extreme

views opinions

holds very conservative have traditional opinions

traditional views conservative opinions

familial structures family types

conflict with disagree with

modern new

progressive positions modern views

rebel fight against

naivety inexperienced

benefit of experience can lean on past experiences

follow their advice listen to

basic antagonism underlies conflict at the base of

accept concede

lack of life experience puts them at a disadvantage not having many experiences makes their positions weaker

premature young, not ready

evolve change and get better

implies means

make greater efforts try more

realise understand

small sample size didn’t happen many times

unique time period that time in history

struggle to earn a living have a tough time making money

concede accept

simplistically generalised reductively applied to everyone

sound advice good advice

largely irrelevant today mostly doesn’t apply today

different life stages different times in your life

contrasting mindsets differing outlooks

self-reflective modesty able to be self-critical

demographics age groups